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About Oswal Group


Established in 1912, the Oswal Group Global is a highly influential family-owned conglomerate that has quietly stitched together a global presence across diverse industries, founded by Pankaj Oswal.


The group is headquartered in Singapore, and its reach extends beyond borders, weaving its expertise into the landscapes of Africa, Australia, and Switzerland.

Their success story lies not just in their diversified portfolio—encompassing textiles, real estate, yarn production, dyeing, garments, mining, and petrochemicals—but also in their unwavering commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, a commitment often unseen but deeply felt in the communities they touch.


Oswal Group's Global presence in Africa is widespread and the impact is huge in the countries the company operates in. Take Guinea, West Africa- the family-owned conglomerate has made waves, with Axis Minerals being the largest owned bauxite mine that is currently exporting over 10 million tons of bauxite a year to China.

Key People

Pankaj Oswal:



​Pankaj Oswal's business acumen is undeniable. During his time with the Oswal Group, he is credited with establishing what's said to be the world's largest ammonia plant in Australia. This achievement highlights his strategic vision and ability to navigate the complexities of the global industrial landscape. His leadership and contributions to the community have also been recognized by prestigious organizations like Ernst & Young and 40under40. He was awarded the Ernst & Young 2009 Best Young Entrepreneur Award and was a winner of the 40 under 40 Outstanding Businessperson Awards.​



Vasundhara Oswal:

Executive Director of PRO Industries


As the Executive Director of Pro Industries, a company leading the way in East Africa with its massive ethanol plant, Vasundhara's sharp business acumen shines through. Her upbringing in India, Australia, and Switzerland has instilled in her a global perspective, a valuable asset in today's interconnected world.​Academic excellence goes hand-in-hand with Vasundhara's entrepreneurial spirit. Graduating with honors in finance from a Swiss university with a bachelor's in finance , she didn't stop there. During her second year, she displayed remarkable initiative by founding Pro Industries. This venture became part of the Oswal Group Global Conglomerate. Her dedication to sustainability is evident in her efforts to spearhead green initiatives at the companies she leads. Vasundhara's achievements have been recognized with awards like the Global Youth Icon Award for 2023 and being named Woman of the Year by the esteemed Economic Times.

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